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The Complete Guide to Money Lending Business in Nigeria
The money-lending business is booming in Nigeria! If you're looking to get in on the action, you'll need to understand how to establish a money-lending business and the registration process. Plus, all the necessary legal compliance. But don't worry, we've got you covered. Let's get started.
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How to Register a Company with CAC: A Practical Guide.
Registering your business as a company gives your business a legal identity and personality, distinct from the business owner.
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How to Start a Catfish Farm in Nigeria
The demand for catfish in Nigeria keeps rising and the sector expands daily. Hence, this is an excellent time to start your catfish farm in Nigeria. Here's how.
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Withholding Tax Rates in Nigeria: A Practical Guide
In Nigeria, withholding tax is not your typical income tax. It's an advance payment of income tax on specific transactions, designed to reduce the tax liabilities of a taxpayer. This prepaid tax was introduced to reduce tax evasion, and is charged at a rate of 5%-10% depending on the type of transaction or income. And here's what that means for you.
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25 Top Grants for Small Businesses in Nigeria
There are many grants available for small businesses in Nigeria. In this article, we will focus on the 25 top grants. At the end of this article,  you will learn how to apply for the grants and the requirements for each grant.
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Definitive Guide:  Personal Income Tax in Nigeria
We take a deep look at personal income tax in Nigeria, the applicable laws, administrative agencies, chargeable incomes, how personal income tax is accessed and charged as well as how to calculate the chargeable tax rates in Nigeria.
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Tax Exemption for New Companies in Nigeria: A Concise Guide [2022]
The Finance Act 2021 made provisions for tax exemptions for small companies with a turnover of ₦25 million or less. Read through the article for more information.
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The Nigeria Money Laundering Act 2011/2022: An In-depth Guide for SMEs
This in-depth guide will help you understand how Nigeria's Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition) Act 2022 affects you, your business, and your transactions.
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Top 28 Available Grants in Nigeria: A Step-by-Step Application Guide.
To help fund your upstart or growing business, we've collected the top 28 grants that could be a fit for your business in Nigeria
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The Tax System in Nigeria: A New & Updated Overview
In analysing the Nigerian tax system, we need to consider the various tax laws and their administration, and how they apply to you.
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